7 June 2008

Major Assignment - Physical Model Update 2

Update from work on model today, worked for 8 hours and still haven't finished... Will get the rest done tomorrow.



Ground Slab: Here I have shown the ground slab with all the components used. The form work, gravel, membrane, mesh and concrete.


Formwork: I needed to shorten the bracing on the outside because it would hand out further than the base. I have also left out the piece of the form ties that sits on the outside of the walers. I think it would be too much to show this in the model. I will show a detail of how it will properly look in the poster.


Detail of the re-enforcement: It took me quite a while to get all the wire to sit together straight and even. I had to tie the bent horizontal reo to the vertical reo because it wasn't going to sit on its own and my glue didn't hold.

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